Integrating Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights into Climate Change policies and Strategies in Tanzania (INSECT)

Climate Change can have serious impacts on Health in Tanzania. Specifically pregnant women can experience high risks and health challenges under climate-induced stress (drought, malnutrition, heat waves etc.). This project will strengthen the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for women in Tanzania, to empower them to participate in healthy and self-determined adaptation activities. The project's objective is to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Health to co-develop and implement policy and actions that address Health challenges arising from climate impacts. Particularily by supporting the review of the Health National Adaption Plan (HNAP), Climate Action Network Tanzania (CAN TZ) will contribute to establishing and sustaining mechanisms to coordinate health and climate actions. Additionally, the project will enhance implementation and planning for projects around the Nexus of Health and Climate by advocating and supporting a task force to mainstream Health and climate into the health teaching curriculum.
Co-Develop a reviewed Health National Adaption Plan
CAN Tanzania will support the Ministry of Health to review the current Health National Adaptation Plan (HNAP) to include sexual and reproductive health and right (SRHR) issues as a key climate change adaptation intervention area. CAN Tanzania will engage serval key stakeholders (CSOs, experts, MDAs etc.) in the draft and review process. CAN Tanzania will create a form to discuss existing SRHR gaps in the current HNAP and lead the process to include SRHR in the development of new HNAP which is ending in 2023, and take active participation in the development of the new HNAP.
Mainstream the health and climate Nexus into the health teaching curriculum
CAN Tanzania will facilitate initial consultations with the Ministry of Health (MoH), the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology (MEST), and other important parties as a basis for creating a curriculum for health and climate education. This will involve forming a technical taskforce to facilitate early discussions and planning for the development of a formal teaching curriculum about climate change and SRHR in schools, local communities, and among healthcare professionals. This will create the basic foundation and buy-in from the MEST, MoH, and stakeholders as a required preparation for the subsequent phase of developing the curriculum for climate education in the future. Once developed and adopted by the government, it will be used by all players in the climate and health education space in the country.
Project Impact
CAN on the field

The project is funded by 128 Collective.