CAN Tanzania Node Development

2019 - 2022

As part of  Climate Action Network (CAN) global, CAN Tanzania took part in the CAN strategy meeting in 2019, a renewed approach for CAN was developed, through which we as a network challenged ourselves to step up our game to address the climate crisis:

Long-term approach: back-cast from 2030 timeline for movement driven approach rather than moment driven approach

3 Pillars will guide our work: Ambition, Impact, Support

Interconnected two-track approach: People and Policy

Equity and Justice will guide us

Science, especially the 1.5 report and urgency will guide us

Adjust language and framing to match the needs of our audiences – priority: more accessible language on Climate for people

Stand in solidarity with the vulnerable and the marginalized and the planet

Adopt an integrating approach by linking to other issues e.g. Human Rights, Environmental Justice, poverty, inequality, planet, and biodiversity

Connecting the intl. level with nat. level and grassroots in an inclusive way

At CAN’s global strategy meeting in 2020 held in Arusha, Tanzania, we further operationalized this renewed approach and concluded 3 pillars to drive our work:

Catalyzing Transformational Change

Shutting Dirty Down

Building Power through movements 

To make this possible, the network jointly concluded the need to empower and strengthen Nodes to play a more central role to implement the above. To put the network on a pathway to become truly Node-driven, the challenges and stumbling blocks faced by the majority of the Nodes need to be addressed. 

The purpose of this grant is to strengthen and empower CAN Nodes to reach the jointly defined criteria for effective Nodes. In doing so, it aims to enhance the Nodes’ capacity to effectively convene their members and develop impactful strategies to tackle the climate crisis as a network.

Project Impact

What this project will achieve
Compliance to the National NGO laws, regulations and guidelines through capacity enhancement of the network.
Engagement of the network in National and Global advocacy movements such as development of national strategies (NDCs and National Climate Response Strategy etc.)
Sharing and learning best practices across the network.

CAN on the field

Field photographs and videos

United and empowered: CANTZ Network members annual general meeting

Strategize for the future : Skillshare training for CAN TZ staff

Scale-Up the impact: Capacity Enhancement to the CAN TZ board members